Posted by Jane Metters LaBarbara.October 4th, 2016
The critical period of the Wheeling Conventions, the Reorganized Government of Virginia, and the founding of the state of West Virginia are well documented in numerous collections, including that of Francis H. Pierpont. More than 800 of his telegrams are available online.
https://civilwarwv.lib.wvu.edu/. Transcription: Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Camp Near 1861. By Telegraph from Huttinsville 14 1861. Have been to Cheat river today. Enemy retreated to Staunton. I advise you to proceed with the political organization of the country up to this point. G. B. McClellan, Maj Gen USA 2/1 D 83 pd [page 2] Gen. McClellan Huttinsville July 14