Research Corp., Libraries Program Pays Off
Posted by Admin.April 8th, 1999
In March 1997, the WVU Libraries received a $1 million dollar challenge grant from the WVU Research Corporation to enhance library collections. The Research Corp. agreed to donate two dollars for every one dollar contributed by the WVU community over a five year period to establish library collection endowments. This unique and innovative partnership between university research and university Libraries is paying off for WVU.
Listed on page 8 are 160 named library endowments that have received matching funds from the WVU Research Corporation challenge grant. In addition, more than 110 book endowments have also been established within the named library endowments. These funds will enable the Libraries to strengthen print collections, increase electronic resources and support new and emerging research initiatives in the colleges and schools.
“Our collections, both printed and electronic, have been enhanced by the WVU community’s commitment of more than $1.2 million in endowment support. It is a powerful reminder that we care for West Virginia University’s future and for those that it serves,” said Gerald Lang, provost and vice president for academic affairs and research.
Myra N. Lowe, interim dean of University Libraries, added, “This is an excellent example of the kind of collaborative investment that is essential to build a strong collection which will best serve the needs of the WVU community and the citizens of our state.”
With only $100,000 remaining to be pledged by the WVU community and matched 2:1 by the WVU Research Corporation, the University Libraries anticipates completing the challenge grant two and a half years early.
If you would like more information about the matching funds, please call the Office of Development for the University Libraries at 293-4040 ext. 46
Mountaineer Spirit