Journal Subscription Review
Posted by Admin.April 11th, 2006
Attention WVU Faculty:
We are providing you with an opportunity to review the selection of journals subscribed to by the WVU Libraries. This is not a cut! We want the journals we purchase to be the ones most appropriate and the best use of our existing library budget. Our collection has changed and the decision making process has become more complicated in recent years due to the increase in electronic journal subscriptions, package deals, and full text databases.
Participate! What you can do…
Please help us review our journal subscriptions
We Want Your Recommendations
* are there journals that are outdated? Let’s drop them and add new titles relevant to your current teaching and research
* we must work with the existing budget, so new subscriptions must be traded for old ones
* make sure we are receiving journals essential for current teaching and research
* identify new titles needed to accommodate curriculum, research, or technological changes
* department chairs have a list of the journals currently received in your area
* to make changes in subscriptions for next year, we must have your input by the end of April 2006
* all titles suggested for cancellation will be posted on the library web pages to be given a chance for further review