Posted by Monte Maxwell.
April 11th, 2012

Beverly Shumaker (right), historian for the WVU Campus Club, presents two copies of her book, A Century of Support for “Our Girls,” to Myra N. Lowe, Interim Dean of Libraries.
The book chronicles the history of the Campus Club, the oldest continuous organization on campus. The group marks its 100th anniversary this year. To celebrate, members welcome the University community to join them for refreshments at 3 p.m. April 18 at Elizabeth Moore Hall.
When initially formed in 1912, the club provided financial support to female students. Today, both male and female undergraduates benefit from the organization’s scholarships. The group’s membership includes active and retired faculty and staff.
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Posted by Monte Maxwell.
April 11th, 2012

It does pay to speak your mind. As an incentive for completing WVU Libraries’ LibQual survey this spring, two randomly selected participants received iPads. Pictured are Dr. Michael Klishis, Assistant Professor and Graduate Program Coordinator, Safety Management; Myra Lowe, Interim Dean of the Libraries; and Caroline Hunger, a senior studying criminology and investigations.
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Posted by Monte Maxwell.
April 5th, 2012
Long before any children attended Hogwarts, visited Narnia, or met a vampire, a scrawny nine-year old boy raised his empty bowl and asked for more food.
He had no wand, magic spell, nor lion to protect him. Yet the orphan set fear aside and stood up to authority. That literacy moment has inspired millions since Charles Dickens first penned the classic tale Oliver Twist, serially published, 1837-1839.
“We all appreciate stories in which the little guy fights against the powers that be. That’s a theme with broad appeal,” said Kelly Diamond, a librarian at the Downtown Campus Library.
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