Ask A Librarian

WVU Mountaineers and Libraries Kick Off Third Touchdown Challenge

Posted by Monte Maxwell.
August 13th, 2013

The West Virginia University Department of Intercollegiate Athletics and the WVU Libraries are teaming up again for the Mountaineer Touchdown Challenge, a fundraising campaign to benefit the Libraries.

The initiative, in its third year, enables participants to pledge a dollar figure per touchdown the Mountaineers score during the 2013 season and subsequent bowl game. The proceeds will support a project within the Libraries.

“The Touchdown Challenge is a fun way for our alumni and fans to celebrate academics and football simultaneously,” Athletic Director Oliver Luck said. “Every touchdown we score this fall will help benefit all students throughout the University.

Head football coach Dana Holgorsen helped launch the Touchdown Challenge when he came to WVU in 2011. He likes that the program stresses the importance of academics.

“Before any player can suit up and hit the field, he has to make the grade in the classroom,” Holgorsen said. “We are fortunate to have great libraries and great library employees who can help students achieve their full potential academically.”

Funds raised through the first two years of the Touchdown Challenge enabled the purchase of digital cameras, editing software, and other equipment to transform a study room in the Downtown Campus Library into a space where students can practice making presentations. The acquisitions were based on student requests.

Student feedback will determine where funds raised during the upcoming season’s Touchdown Challenge are directed.

“We are grateful to everyone – Oliver Luck, Coach Holgorsen, every player, and our wonderful fans – for making the Touchdown Challenge an ongoing success,” said Myra N. Lowe, Interim Dean of Libraries. “It has been exciting to be so invested in our football team’s efforts.”

If you’re up for the Challenge, visit For more information, contact Monte Maxwell, Libraries development representative: 304-293-0306.

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