New Students Discover the WVU Libraries
Posted by Monte Maxwell.August 22nd, 2013
Before taking any notes, listening to any lectures, or sitting through any classes, more than 2,000 freshmen visited the Library last Saturday.
The event, Discover! WVU Libraries, was part of the 2013 First Year Academy. Its goal was to introduce students to the particular library and the people who will help them with their academic endeavors. Depending on their major, students visited the Downtown Campus Library, the Evansdale Library, or the Health Sciences Library to learn about the services and resources they offer.
Libraries employees used games, tours, and brief presentations to make the experience fun, as well as instructive.
“It was good to see where everything is. Now I know what the library has to offer,” said Justin Zickafoose, a Pre-Law and Legal Studies freshman from Hurricane, who was among the new students at the Downtown Campus Library.
Steven Brady, a history major and Morgantown resident, said the one thing he enjoyed most from the day was touring the West Virginia and Regional History Center.
“I will definitely get back in here and take advantage of the WVRHC. You guys have a lot of great artifacts,” Brady said.
Freshmen at the Evansdale Library were among the first to preview the newly renovated second floor. Olivia White, a secondary elementary major from Great Falls, Va., ranked it among her favorite spots on campus.
“The coolest part is the second floor,” White said. “I think I’ll be studying here more than anywhere else.”
Probably one of the most important lessons new students learned from the day was where to go when they have a question or need help on a project. All three libraries had activities that directed students to the library’s Research Desk.

At the Evansdale Library, students watched a brief video on the Information Cycle and completed a short quiz.

At the Evansdale Library, students played a game that taught them about some of the Libraries’ electronic resources.

The Appalachian Collection, located in Wise Library's Milano Reading Room, contains more than 9,000 volumes concerning the 13-state Appalachian region on topics including literature, the social sciences, and education.

The West Virginia and Regional History Center, located on the 6th floor of the Wise Library, is the largest historical archives/library relating to West Virginia in existence.