Ask A Librarian

Veterans Outreach Program invites student veterans to mindfulness luncheon on Friday

Posted by Monte Maxwell.
October 18th, 2016

The WVU Libraries’ Veterans Outreach Program (WVUL-VOP) is hosting a luncheon program for student veterans on Friday at noon in the Downtown Campus Library, Room 2036.

The talk, entitled “Mindfulness 101,” is geared toward student veterans and will provide an introduction to mindfulness and offer personal applications for the practice. The guest speaker is a physician and veteran. Dr. Michael Brumage, MD, MPH, FACP, is the executive director/health officer for the Kanawha-Charleston Health Department. He served in the U.S. Army for more than 20 years.

November is Mindful Mountaineers Month at WVU. This program will be a preview of the special events that are coming up each day in the month ahead. For more information, contact Carroll W. Wilkinson, director of Strategic Library Initiatives at WVU Libraries, at or 304-293-0308.

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