Scholarly search tool Scopus returns to library resources
Posted by Monte Maxwell.February 19th, 2019

Do you need to save time in the initial information gathering stage of your research, monitor a research topic or trend, identify the top researchers in a particular field or track the success of your own research?
West Virginia University Libraries has reinstated its subscription to Scopus, a popular scholarly search tool. Currently the largest curated abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature, it includes the fields of science, technology, medicine, social sciences, and arts and humanities. It can be accessed on the Libraries website.
Here are a few tips to best utilize Scopus:
- Register with Scopus to create search, citation and author alerts
- Review FAQs and video tutorials at the Scopus Support Center
- Refer to the Quick Reference Guide for easy-to-follow instructions
- Discover and follow insider tips & tricks on the Scopus blog
- Subscribe to the Scopus newsletter
If you have questions, contact your librarian liaison.