Research Repository surpasses 25,000 downloads worldwide
Posted by Monte Maxwell.June 20th, 2019

The Research Repository @ WVU, an online, openly available, home for the scholarship, creative work and research of West Virginia University faculty, researchers and students, has surpassed 25,000 downloads worldwide.
“It’s been very exciting to watch the repository grow over the last several months,” Scholarly Communications Librarian Ian Harmon said. “We just launched last October, and the fact that we already have over 25,000 downloads demonstrates that researchers around the world are eager to read the groundbreaking work that takes place at WVU. It also shows that making your work available Open Access really does have the potential to increase its readership.”
The Repository is a collaboration between WVU Libraries and the WVU Office of Research. It provides the University community with a library-supported platform for sharing their work with the worldwide scholarly community. Currently, there are close to 11,000 items available.
Harmon explained that the Repository can increase a work’s impact by providing free access to research and share findings with researchers and others within West Virginia and around the world who may not be able to afford high journal subscription fees.
Keep track of what materials from WVU are being downloaded and where the requests originate on the Digital Commons Dashboard.
Initially, the Repository contained the Libraries’ collection of Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETDs), the WVU Law Review and images from the WVU Herbarium. University faculty, staff and students can now submit their scholarly and creative works, publications, working papers, conference presentations, posters, technical reports, datasets and other research. Those who want to submit materials should contact Harmon at or fill out a consultation request form.
More information is available on the Libraries website: