Submit your photos for juried Art of Masks exhibit
Posted by Monte Maxwell.October 1st, 2020

The face mask has become a symbol of our times, an emblem to illustrate the COVID-19 pandemic. It is also a signal of caring and a gesture of community amidst the upheaval of our daily life.
West Virginia University Libraries is accepting creative photos of masks from the WVU and local community – whether personally crafted, purchased, gifted, picked up at a free stand or imagined – for a juried online exhibit to launch in December.
The call for submissions is open to anyone in the Morgantown area. Submit up to five jpgs either of someone donning a mask, the mask itself or a creative rendition of it (drawing, painting, collage, etc.) by Nov. 30. To submit entries or for more information visit
The Art in the Libraries Committee will jury submissions to select work and notify winners via email in December. Small gift card awards will be given to the funniest, most ironic, most school spirited and most original.
The Libraries will create an online exhibit and launch it in January 2021. The Libraries will potentially install a print exhibit of selected photographs in the WVU Libraries later in 2021.
Email questions to Sally Brown Deskins, exhibits coordinator, at