WVU Libraries leading menstrual product drive
Posted by Monte Maxwell.February 3rd, 2021

WVU Libraries’ Committee on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, in collaboration with the Prioritize Periods Campaign of Planned Parenthood South Atlantic, has launched “Take One, Leave One,” a menstrual product drive, in their campus locations including Downtown Campus Library, Evansdale Library, and Health Sciences Lactation Room, as a trial through the spring semester.
“Take One, Leave One” bins are located in public, yet discreet, locations in the buildings and welcome students and Library users to donate or take what they need. Locations will be posted on bathroom mirrors in each of the buildings. Bins will be monitored to record use and donations for potentially more long-term use or future initiatives.
“While access to basic hygiene on campus such as soap and toilet paper is routine, access to menstrual products is not at this point,” Libraries Dean Karen Diaz said. “We are happy to participate with Prioritize Periods Campaign to work on changing that and are happy to provide space to pilot improving access to this basic health requirement for so many in our community.”
This project is a follow up to the Menstrual Equity Campaign originated by the WVU Women’s Resource Center (WRC) and Planned Parenthood South Atlantic in 2019, to offer free products across campus, working to bridge the community and campus life through these menstrual equity efforts.
Along with the product drive, the WVU Libraries’ DEIA Committee created a Menstrual Equity LibGuide including links to resources and educational content. For questions about the WVU Libraries’ drive, contact WVU DEIA Committee Member and Project Coordinator Sally Brown, sally.brown@mail.wvu.edu.
The Morgantown Menstrual Equity Coalition seeks to reflect these goals and values, as well as work with organizations, departments, and community groups to bridge campus life and the Morgantown community around the issue of menstrual equity.
For more information email prioritizeperiods@ppsat.org or visit