Ask A Librarian

Have Library Card, Will Travel

Posted by Admin.
May 8th, 2003

Mountaineer Spirit

Faculty members traveling during the summer can call nearly 200 academic libraries across the nation home.

The Reciprocal Faculty Borrowing Program provides faculty from participating libraries with borrowing privileges and on-site access to the collections at some of the most important research libraries in North America.

To be eligible, one must be a full- or part-time time faculty member in good standing with the University Libraries and possess a library card and picture I.D. Eligible faculty may request a RFBP card at the access services desks at the Downtown Campus, Evansdale, Health Sciences or Law libraries. The card
is valid for one year and is renewable.

The Reciprocal Faculty Borrowing Program is sponsored by WVU along with other libraries connected online to the Online Computer Library Center in Dublin, Ohio.

For a list of participating libraries, check the Web site at

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