April 11 E-Resources Workshop
Posted by Admin.April 4th, 2007
Have you ever wondered how the Libraries select electronic resources to support research and teaching? Faculty members are invited to attend an upcoming faculty development session, “New Options in eResources,” to discuss the process used to select, test, and adopt new library resources.
The session will include a conversation about the important role of faculty in decision-making, examples of incorporating eResources in teaching, and demonstrations of some of the Libraries’ newest eResources.
“New Options in eResources” will be held on Wednesday, April 11, from 3:00-4:30, in Room 136 of the Downtown Campus Library. It is offered as part of the WVU Faculty Development Program.
To register, please contact Wendy Spaw, Office of the Provost, by fax at 293-7554 or email at wjpsaw@mail.wvu.edu.
If you have questions, please contact one of the session leaders, Linda Blake (linda.blake@mail.wvu.edu), Barbara LaGodna (barbara.lagodna@mail.wvu.edu), or Penny Pugh (penny.pugh@mail.wvu.edu).