Ask A Librarian

Library Enhancements Welcome Back Students and Faculty

Posted by Monte Maxwell.
August 17th, 2007

The WVU Libraries want to help students and faculty to get off to a good start this fall. The Libraries have unveiled multiple changes that will enhance your library work.

First, you don’t even have to physically visit any of the libraries to benefit from one addition, IM Chat Reference. You can simply go online and Instant Message your question to a reference librarian.  Contact us using the following screen names: AIM, wvulibraries; Yahoo, wvulibraries; Google Talk,; and MSN,

Feel free to “Ask a Librarian” whenever a question arises while you study for a class, write a paper, or work on a project.  IM reference service is the newest component of “Ask a Librarian” services, which include telephone, email and in-person research assistance. You can find all the details at:

Students and faculty will probably also appreciate the new fine policy for late books, which provides a 30-day grace period for library users to renew or return overdue books without incurring fines.

Borrowers with books not returned or renewed within the 30 days will receive a book replacement bill plus a non-refundable $10.00 fee. Once the book is returned or renewed, the replacement bill will be cancelled but the $10.00 will still be owed. For more information on the policy or to renew a book online:

Ok. You have quick access to an information expert. You have some leeway on those late books. Now, it’s time to write that paper. We can help there, too.

RefWorks can ease the tedious task of compiling a bibliography. RefWorks creates bibliographies and inserts notes in any format you require. It allows you to save references in a personal online database and insert them automatically as you write research papers. A link is located on the Libraries Web site.

If you are in a hurry and just need to print a paper, the Downtown Campus and Evansdale libraries now have Express Print stations that allow for printing but have no Internet access. At the DCL, print stations are on the first floor behind the Reference Desk and in the Copier Room. At Evansdale, the print station is located by the computers.

Although it’s just the start of the semester, remember the Libraries when it comes time to study for finals. The Downtown Campus and Evansdale libraries will both be open 24 hours throughout Dead Week and Finals Week.

Other changes will affect only those who use the Downtown Campus Library.

There are now 30 laptops available for checkout from Periodicals on the second floor. These are in addition to 30 laptops available through Media Services.

Another new option for finding computers is Room 136 on the Lower Level, which will be open as a computer lab on weekdays when it is not already serving as a classroom.

If you need a quiet space to study, head to the Robinson and Milano Reading Rooms. The rooms have been designated “Deep Quiet” so talking and cell phones are prohibited.

The extended hours, additional computers, and designated quiet study space are all in response to results from the LibQual survey performed during the spring semester.

Finally, Interlibrary Loan pickup has moved. ILL and E-ZBorrow books are now both picked up at the Access Services Desk.

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