Browse the new “Passion or Obsession?” exhibits at Evansdale Library
Posted by Monte Maxwell.May 26th, 2021
The Art in the Libraries continues its series “Passion or Obsession?” with Kiss memorabilia & classic toy exhibits on display at the Evansdale Library through November.

Brad Hart, a 14-year employee of WVU facilities and preventative maintenance, started collecting KISS memorabilia in 1995 after seeing the tribute band, Strutter, at The Nyabinghi Dance Hall (currently 123 Pleasant Street). This turned out to be great timing, as the four original members kicked off a reunion tour in 1996, leading to the release of a whole new wave of KISS merchandise. To date, Hart has over 600 items in his collection, ranging from vintage to new. He rarely purchases items online, enjoying the “thrill of the hunt” at antique malls, thrift shops, flea markets, etc. Hart is a musician himself, having just wrapped up a 34-year career of playing bass guitar in several popular bands in the Morgantown area.

Wes Utt, who has worked in the WVU preventative maintenance shop for 14 years, began collecting and dealing in antiques more than 30 years ago. His main passion is selling and trading at toy and antique shows and flea markets where he’s met some of his closest friends. His earliest pieces date back to the early 1900s. This exhibit was organized by WVU Art in the Libraries.
For more information or to display your collection, visit or contact Exhibits Coordinator Sally Brown,