Posted by Admin.
October 3rd, 2012
Celebrate your freedom to read during Banned Books Week. On Wednesday, October 3rd, at 6:30 PM, Dr. Elizabeth Dooley will read from The Color Purple as part of the campus events for Banned Books Week. The Read-In will be held in the Wise Library Robinson Reading Room.
Banned Books Week is an annual event, sponsored by the American Library Association to draw attention to the problem of censorship. Each year hundreds of books are challenged by groups that want the books removed from schools and libraries. Books that have been challenged in the past include such classics as The Grapes of Wrath, Catch 22, and Lord of the Flies.
To learn more, visit the Downtown Campus Library to see an exhibit featuring some of the classic titles that have been targeted by would-be censors.
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Posted by Admin.
September 24th, 2012
Learn the basics of two library citation managers, EndNote Web and RefWorks, at a workshop offered in two locations. The first session will be held in the Downtown Campus Library (Room 136) on Tuesday, September 25, from 4:00-5:30 p.m. The session will be repeated on Thursday, September 27th, at the Evansdale Library in the electronic classroom (Rm 130) from 4:00-5:30 p.m. Advance registration is suggested, but not required. Please email:
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Posted by Monte Maxwell.
September 4th, 2012
A visit to the WVU Libraries has already paid off for nine freshmen. Their names were picked in a drawing of students who participated in “Discover! WVU Libraries,” part of the 2012 First Year Academy.

- Adainah Kaczmarski, general studies, won an iPad.

Rafael Andrade, pre-economics, won a Kindle Fire.

Caitlyn Lewis, journalism, won a Panasonic digital camera.

Caitlynne Kibler, pre-sports and exercise psychology, won an Amazon gift card.

Rebecca Henderson, pre-nursing, won an iPod.
Hannah Hendrick, World Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics; Tess Marunich, pre-biochemistry; Eli Meador, general studies; and Caitlin Sawyers, pre-political science, won iTunes cards.
The Libraries sponsored “Discover! WVU Libraries” to introduce students to the library in order to assist them through their academic endeavors at WVU.
Depending on their major, students visited the Downtown Campus Library, the Evansdale Library, or the Health Sciences Library to learn about the array of available resources and services and to meet the librarians and staff who can guide them when writing a paper or doing research.
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Posted by Monte Maxwell.
August 31st, 2012
The WVU Department of Intercollegiate Athletics will again team up with the WVU Libraries this fall on the Mountaineer Touchdown Challenge, a fundraising campaign to benefit the Libraries.
Last year, Athletics and the Libraries partnered to launch the initiative in which participants pledged a dollar figure per touchdown the Mountaineers scored during the 2011 season and subsequent Orange Bowl. The 63 touchdowns resulted in numerous donations for the Libraries.
“I’m pleased that our alumni and fans made the initial Touchdown Challenge a success,” Athletic Director Oliver Luck said. “As anticipation over our first season in the Big 12 continues to build, I want to encourage Mountaineers everywhere to express their enthusiasm by stepping up to support the Libraries through the Touchdown Challenge.”
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Posted by Monte Maxwell.
August 23rd, 2012
Does heredity or diet dictate a person’s disposition? What about the amount of sleep one gets or how about the phases of the moon?
If you ask William Shakespeare, he might encourage you to watch a few of his plays to learn about how people are guided by the four humors.
Or you could stop by the WVU Health Sciences Library. The Bard’s use of ancient medical theory is the subject of a current exhibit.
The Health Sciences Library is hosting “And there’s the humor of it”: Shakespeare and The Four Humors, a National Library of Medicine (NLM) traveling exhibit through Oct. 6. The exhibit, consisting of six free-standing banners, is on display in the Library’s lobby.
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Posted by Monte Maxwell.
August 21st, 2012
Before taking any notes, listening to any lectures, or sitting through any classes, freshman Jesse Bradt went to the Downtown Campus Library.
That’s where he and more than 2,000 other incoming freshmen spent part of their Saturday afternoon. Close to 1,800 students visited the Evansdale Library, and about 600 toured the Health Sciences Library.

The event, Discover! WVU Libraries, was part of the 2012 First Year Academy. Its goal was to introduce students to the particular library and the people who will help them with their academic endeavors. Depending on their major, students visited the Downtown Campus Library, the Evansdale Library, or the Health Sciences Library to learn about the services and resources they offer.
“I thought it was cool,” said Bradt, a business and economics major from Delaware. “I like how it got everyone involved. It was an interesting way to get you used to how the Library works.”
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Posted by Monte Maxwell.
July 25th, 2012
As of July 16, ILLiad has become the newest library service to switch to the MyID username and password for logging on. All current users should now logon using their MyID account information. After re-registering, historical information from their ILLiad account will be transferred to their new MyID ILLiad account.
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Posted by Monte Maxwell.
July 17th, 2012
The Health Sciences Library will be closed on Saturday, July 28, because of electrical upgrade work at Health Science Center North. Work, which will involve a helicopter lift of materials, is expected to start at 8 a.m. and continue most of the day.
HSC Facilities Management has requested that the top three floors of HSC North be unoccupied to comply with federal safety regulations. The public is encouraged to avoid the building and adjacent parking lots and green space while work is ongoing.
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Posted by Monte Maxwell.
June 14th, 2012
If beauty is in the eye of the beholder, maybe literature is in the eye of the reader or viewer.
An upcoming exhibit at the Downtown Campus Library will showcase a relatively new literary genre called electronic literature. “Electrifying Literature: Affordances and Constraints,” the 2012 Media Art Show curated by the Electronic Literature Organization (ELO), will run in conjunction with the ELO conference in Morgantown from June 20-23.
“Electronic literature is as old as the computer,” said Sandy Baldwin, an English professor in the Eberly College of Arts & Sciences and chair of the ELO conference. “As long as there have been computers, there have been people using them to do creative things.”
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Posted by Monte Maxwell.
May 17th, 2012
Three Honors graduates have been named Robert F. Munn Undergraduate Library Scholars. Abigail Cioffi, Miriah Hamrick, and Jared Jones received the award at a ceremony in the Charles C. Wise Library during Commencement Weekend.
“These students did a tremendous job researching their topics and presenting their findings,” said Keith Garbutt, Dean of the Honors College. “They are excellent examples of the undergraduates at West Virginia University who are engaged in extraordinary research. We are pleased these students are being recognized for their scholarship and hard work.”
The WVU Libraries and the Honors College established the Robert F. Munn Undergraduate Library Scholars Award in 2009 to honor Dr. Robert F. Munn, Dean of Library Services from 1957-1986.
The award goes to one or more graduating Honors students for outstanding humanities or social sciences research that is done in the WVU Libraries and results in an exceptional thesis. Writing a thesis is a graduation requirement for Honors students. Along with receiving a $1,000 award, the scholar’s name is added to a plaque in the Downtown Campus Library.
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Posted by Monte Maxwell.
May 2nd, 2012
As part of Faculty Academy, the WVU Libraries are spotlighting their Information Literacy Course Enhancement Program (ILCEP) and its participants.
This year’s showcase will be held in the Milano Reading Room, Wise Library, on May 7 and will include professor/librarian teams for the 2011-12 academic year. Poster sessions are scheduled from 8-9 a.m. and 10:30-11 a.m. There will be a presentation and panel discussion at 9 a.m. in Room 104, Downtown Campus Library. It is titled “What Have We Learned from Three Years of the Libraries’ Information Literacy Course Enhancement Project?”
“The WVU Libraries’ Information Literacy Course Enhancement Program has grown remarkably since its inception in the summer of 2009,” said Carroll Wilkinson, WVU Libraries’ Director of Instruction and Information Literacy.
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Posted by Admin.
April 26th, 2012
Wanted: WVU students who love movies and like online courses
We have the class for you.
Film and Media Literacy (ULIB300 CRN52267)
The course is an eCampus course and does not meet in a classroom. Students watch films independently in the private viewing rooms in the Media Services Department of the Downtown Campus Library, online, or at home.
Here are some quotes from students that took the course:
“This was also one of my first web classes and I felt it was better than other web classes I have taken this semester.”
“I really enjoyed this course and would like to take more classes like this.”
“This was my favorite class throughout all of college.”
In this class, you will choose four of eight genres to study. The choices are: Blaxploitation, Slasher, Gangster, Westerns, Dark Comedy, the Films of Quentin Tarantino, Graphic Novel Adaptations, and World Cinema. You will then select two of the fours genres to focus further on and watch five more films that capture the development of those genres. Finally, you will research and choose a film from lists in your selected genres to critique for your final assignment. You will also study media literacy, film criticism and vocabulary, and film databases.
For more information and a complete film list visit the course web page at
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Posted by Monte Maxwell.
April 20th, 2012
The Downtown Campus and Evansdale libraries will remain open for extended hours during Dead and Finals weeks.
The Downtown Campus Library will open at 9 a.m. Sunday and remain open until 10 p.m. Friday, April 27. The Evansdale Library will open at 9 a.m. Sunday and remain open until 8 p.m. Friday, April 27. Both libraries will be open 9 a.m.-9 p.m. on Saturday, April 28.
The Downtown Campus Library will open at 9 a.m. Sunday, April 29, and remain open until 10 p.m. Friday, May 4. The Evansdale Library will open at 9 a.m. Sunday, April 29, and remain open until 8 p.m. Friday, May 4.
For more information, check out the Libraries’ calendar:
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Posted by Monte Maxwell.
April 11th, 2012

Beverly Shumaker (right), historian for the WVU Campus Club, presents two copies of her book, A Century of Support for “Our Girls,” to Myra N. Lowe, Interim Dean of Libraries.
The book chronicles the history of the Campus Club, the oldest continuous organization on campus. The group marks its 100th anniversary this year. To celebrate, members welcome the University community to join them for refreshments at 3 p.m. April 18 at Elizabeth Moore Hall.
When initially formed in 1912, the club provided financial support to female students. Today, both male and female undergraduates benefit from the organization’s scholarships. The group’s membership includes active and retired faculty and staff.
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Posted by Monte Maxwell.
April 11th, 2012

It does pay to speak your mind. As an incentive for completing WVU Libraries’ LibQual survey this spring, two randomly selected participants received iPads. Pictured are Dr. Michael Klishis, Assistant Professor and Graduate Program Coordinator, Safety Management; Myra Lowe, Interim Dean of the Libraries; and Caroline Hunger, a senior studying criminology and investigations.
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Posted by Monte Maxwell.
April 5th, 2012
Long before any children attended Hogwarts, visited Narnia, or met a vampire, a scrawny nine-year old boy raised his empty bowl and asked for more food.
He had no wand, magic spell, nor lion to protect him. Yet the orphan set fear aside and stood up to authority. That literacy moment has inspired millions since Charles Dickens first penned the classic tale Oliver Twist, serially published, 1837-1839.
“We all appreciate stories in which the little guy fights against the powers that be. That’s a theme with broad appeal,” said Kelly Diamond, a librarian at the Downtown Campus Library.
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Posted by Monte Maxwell.
December 16th, 2011
The Mid-Atlantic Chapter of the Medical Library Association recently named Susan Arnold, Director of the WVU Health Sciences Library, its Librarian of the Year.
Jana Liebermann, chair of the MAC awards committee, said the award reflects Arnold’s accomplishments over the past few years. Liebermann praised Arnold’s involvement with the library’s move into the new Health Sciences Learning Center in 2007, the migration from print to electronic resources, and a phenomenal increase in the use of the Libraries’ electronic resources.
“Being recognized by a group of colleagues from regional institutions means a lot to me,” Arnold said. “I am really honored and humbled.”
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Posted by Monte Maxwell.
December 14th, 2011
Diane Mazzella, WVU Today
The mystery began more than 500 years ago in England.
But it surfaced in recent months in an unlikely place – the Rare Book Room in West Virginia University’s Charles C. Wise Library.
It remains unsolved.
Was Elizabeth Dacre’s poem an academic exercise in copying the style of love?
Or was the erotic poem telling her own story?
Even with these unanswered questions, the discovery goes beyond a captivating tale and points to the practical concerns of today’s research University: the need for research in every discipline, the importance of gifts to a University and the sheer surprise of what might hide around the next corner or on the next page.
But that is jumping ahead of the story.
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Tags: Rare Books
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Posted by Monte Maxwell.
September 7th, 2011
Where do you look for information when you start a new assignment? Do you look for books or journals first? Has anyone written about this before? Is there a dissertation? Did your professor mention something about a documentary?
Don’t panic. Just summon the information.
Summon, a new research tool available on the WVU Libraries’ website,, is a powerful search engine that scours a very large database covering all types of materials and every academic subject. It is sometimes called a “discovery” service because it allows library researchers to use a single search box to discover material of all sorts.
“Summon reveals what is available at the WVU Libraries and offers fast access to content such as e-journal articles and digitized information, usually with a single click,” said Penny Pugh, Head of Reference for the Downtown Campus Library.
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Posted by Monte Maxwell.
September 6th, 2011
A visit to the WVU Libraries has already paid off for three freshmen. They are beginning the semester with some new electronic gear.
Robert Frevel, from Baltimore, won an iPad, Katelyn Amato, from East Liverpool, OH, went home with a Sony Reader, and Jayshawn Thomas, from Annapolis, MD, is now listening to music on an iPod Shuffle.
Their names were picked in a drawing of students who participated in “Discover! WVU Libraries,” part of the 2011 First Year Academy. The Libraries sponsored the event to introduce students to the library in order to assist them through their academic endeavors at WVU.
Freshmen Robert Frevel, Jayshawn Thomas, and Katelyn Amato display the prizes they won as part of the “Discover! WVU Libraries” event at the start of the semester.
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