Posted by Monte Maxwell.
April 6th, 2010
Can you Google your way to an A when writing a paper? Do you trust Wikipedia to provide you with sufficient and reliable information? The WVU Libraries want to know.
The WVU Libraries are in the second week of a national study, conducted by Project Information Literacy (PIL), to learn how college students conduct research in the digital age.
Last week, PIL sent an invitation to participate in a Web-based survey to 10,000 randomly selected WVU sophomores, juniors, and seniors. The survey, which takes 10-15 minutes to complete, consists of 22 questions that focus on how students find, evaluate, and integrate research sources used for course-related and everyday life research.
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Posted by Monte Maxwell.
April 1st, 2010
The WVU Library Faculty Assembly has selected Linda Blake, Science Librarian and Electronic Journal Coordinator for the WVU Libraries, as the Outstanding Librarian for 2010.
The award, presented biannually, recognizes a faculty librarian who has made exceptional contributions toward the delivery, development, or expansion of library services or special programs for the constituencies of WVU.
“Linda exemplifies the very best in traditional librarianship while remaining alert to new technologies and trends,” said Penny Pugh, Head of the WVU Downtown Library Reference Department. “Linda possesses a breadth of vision, coupled with a keen analytical mind, and she is extraordinarily productive.”
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Posted by Admin.
March 1st, 2010
The WVU Libraries now offer over 40,000 albums from the Naxos Music label online. From Gregorian chant to 21st century classical, from jazz to folk, this music is available from the WVU Libraries’ web site.
Visit the Naxos Music Library to begin listening. Find your favorites and create a playlist, or expand your listening horizons with the new releases. Off-campus access is available to current faculty, staff, and students.
For questions or help with Naxos Music Library, contact Beth Royall at the Evansdale Library –
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Posted by Monte Maxwell.
February 26th, 2010
By Cassie Shaner
The Dominion Post
WVU students looking to kick back, grab a snack and use a Mac can do it all on the newly renovated first floor of the Evansdale Library.
The university celebrated the completion of the $500,000 renovation project Thursday with an open house. Jo Ann Calzonetti, director of the Evansdale Library from 1994-2001, was among the speakers featured at the event, according to the WV press release.
Calzonetti, who is now in charge of the University of Akron’s Science and Technology Library, discussed the changes at the facility. Among other things, WVU added new carpeting, movable furniture, study rooms and a service desk that combines circulation, reference and technical services.

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Posted by Monte Maxwell.
February 22nd, 2010
By Liz Dickinson
WVU Today
It’s a library, but you don’t have to whisper. In fact, talking and laughter mean students are actively using the newly renovated first floor of the West Virginia University Evansdale Library.
And that is music to Mary Strife’s ear.

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Posted by Monte Maxwell.
February 4th, 2010
An initiative between the WVU Libraries and the Provost’s Office will again help up to five faculty members enhance their courses while earning a $3,000 stipend.
The WVU Libraries’ Information Literacy Course Enhancement Program (ILCEP) is focused on integrating information literacy into the classroom. The University’s 2010 Plan,, states that information literacy will be a curriculum component across all disciplines by 2010.
Broadly speaking, information literacy means the set of abilities needed for digital learning by students and instructors to make effective use of the dazzling array of information options in the 21st century university.
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Posted by Monte Maxwell.
February 1st, 2010
Typically, students visit the Libraries to work on a paper or project that they will then take to class, but a fashion design and merchandising (FDM) senior is setting a new trend. Amanda Gill is the first among her classmates to create an exhibit for the newly renovated Evansdale Library.
“I took a visual merchandising class and did projects within that class, but this is taking what I’ve learned and making it a real world experience,” Gill said. “I wanted to make everything look perfect and professional.”

Fashion design and merchandising senior Amanda Gill poses beside her exhibit in the Evansdale Library.
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Posted by Monte Maxwell.
January 28th, 2010
The Outstanding Librarian Award nominations deadline is fast approaching. This award is presented once every three years to recognize exceptional contributions toward the delivery, development, or expansion of library services or special programs for the constituencies of WVU. Attributes sought in the finalist may include leadership, initiative, creativity, dedication, and exemplary attitude. The award is open to both current and retired WVU Libraries faculty.
Nominations will be accepted from WVU administration, faculty, and staff and must be submitted on the official nomination form by February 15.
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Posted by Monte Maxwell.
January 12th, 2010
In today’s digital age, students are presented with numerous sources of information that may or may not be factual. They are often not aware of the various research techniques and resources available to them and do not know how to gauge whether or not the information that they find online or in databases is from a reliable source.
Saya Bobick, Melissa Chesanko, Jayné Chapple, Arnita Sitasari, and Laura Trent, graduate teaching assistants in the Center for Women’s Studies, decided to research this problem in an attempt to better serve their students. The graduate students conducted two hands-on workshops for each of their Introduction to Women’s Studies classes in collaboration with Carroll Wilkinson, West Virginia University librarian.
Chesanko commented that the information literacy sessions for her classes gave her an opportunity to learn along with her students.
“Each time Carroll comes to our class I pick up something new,” she said. “It also serves as a great reminder about searching effectively and checking the validity of the sources I use in my own research.”
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Posted by Monte Maxwell.
December 14th, 2009
If you used the Health Sciences Library any time over the past 34 years, there’s a good chance Sally Brown had a role in your research quest. Brown, who served as reference coordinator at the Health Sciences Library, retired November 30.
“Sally’s personality and her knowledge of this library will be very much missed,” said Susan Arnold, director of the Health Sciences Library. “She’s always so cheerful, and she is always willing to pitch in. That’s something I really appreciated about her.”

Dean of Libraries Frances O’Brien, Sally Brown, and Health Sciences Library Director Susan Arnold.
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Posted by Admin.
December 13th, 2009
This online exhibit consists of almost 50 early 20th century holiday cards selected from the West Virginia and Regional History Collection at the WVU Libraries.
These are divided into six sections which can be viewed by selecting images from the navigation bar on the left. Select a small image of the card from these pages to display the outside and inside of each card at its actual size.
You can view the exhibit at:
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Posted by Monte Maxwell.
December 3rd, 2009
The Downtown Campus and Evansdale libraries will remain open for extended hours during Dead and Finals weeks. There will be no extended hours on the Friday or Saturday in between.
For Dead Week, the Downtown Campus Library will open at 1 p.m. Sunday and remain open until 8 p.m. Friday. The Evansdale Library will open at 9 a.m. Sunday and remain open until 8 p.m. Friday.
For Finals Week, the Downtown Campus and Evansdale libraries will open at noon Sunday, Dec. 13, and remain open until 8 p.m. Friday, Dec. 18.
For more information, check out the Libraries’ calendar:
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Posted by Monte Maxwell.
November 2nd, 2009
The WVU Library Faculty Assembly announces the opening of nominations for the Outstanding Librarian Award. This award is presented once every three years to recognize exceptional contributions toward the delivery, development, or expansion of library services or special programs for the constituencies of WVU. Attributes sought in the finalist may include leadership, initiative, creativity, dedication, and exemplary attitude. The award is open to both current and retired WVU library faculty.
Nominations will be accepted from WVU administration, faculty, and staff and must be submitted on the official nomination form by February 15, 2010.
Nomination forms and more info:
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Posted by Monte Maxwell.
October 19th, 2009
In the age of tweets, blogs, YouTube videos, and Facebook postings, people strive to share information with as many as possible and as fast as possible. Even television networks have ventured onto the Internet to capture more viewers for their hit shows.
The academic world is slowly waking up to this new paradigm, and open-access journals are cracking the rigid scholarly publishing system.
Traditionally, reading the latest research requires academic libraries to pay high subscription fees for electronic journals that are available exclusively to students, faculty, and staff and for paper versions housed on campus.
However, more eyes than usual will be able to read WVU’s latest research about infant health thanks to how the researchers chose to publish their findings.
After Dr. Giovanni Piedimonte and his team recently made discoveries about how respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) affects infants, they published their work in PLoS (Public Library of Science) ONE, an open-access journal. That choice made their findings available to anyone with access to the Internet.
“If a paper is accepted, everyone on the planet can access the paper with no charge,” Piedimonte said. “They can be in Pakistan or Afghanistan and still be able to read the paper. The audience is enormous.”
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Posted by Monte Maxwell.
October 15th, 2009
The West Virginia Library Association presented Penny Pugh, Head of Reference at the Downtown Campus Library, with the Dora Ruth Parks Award for long and outstanding service to libraries and librarianship in West Virginia.

Penny Pugh
Presenting the honor during the organization’s fall conference, the Awards Committee praised Pugh for her accomplishments as a reference librarian and as a leader in WVLA.
“Her strong work ethic, her depth of knowledge, outstanding leadership and willingness to find solutions through collaborative work are well-known attributes,” the nomination letter reads. “Penny has made remarkable contributions to libraries through her work.”
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Posted by Monte Maxwell.
October 12th, 2009
An exhibit in the West Virginia and Regional History Collection, in Wise Library, marks the 150th anniversary of John Brown’s Raid on Harpers Ferry.
On Oct. 16, 1859, the abolitionist and a small band of loyal followers seized control of the Harpers Ferry Armory in a plot to build an army to overthrow the South and free the slaves. Although his plan failed, the incident ignited a debate about slavery that spread across the nation and divided the country.

John Brown on Trial, sketched by David Hunter Strother
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Posted by Admin.
October 6th, 2009
The Libraries invite you to try electronic books from ebrary during the month of October. More than 44,000 books in 16 key subject areas are available for reading online through the Library web site during the trial period. The ebrary interface makes research easy, with tools that allow for highlighting, annotating and personal bookshelves.
Connect to ebrary from the Libraries trial database web site.
And please let us know what you think. Use the Feedback Form on the web. Your comments are always welcome.
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Posted by Admin.
September 25th, 2009
Celebrate the freedom to read during Banned Books Week, September 26th through October 3rd. An annual event since 1982, Banned Books Week is sponsored by the American Library Association and other professional organizations for authors, journalists, publishers, and booksellers. The celebration is an on-going effort to raise awareness of censorship attempts in the United States.
Each year, groups around the country seek to ban books from library shelves for reasons such as violence, sexuality, and profanity. In the past, classic works of literature like The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and The Grapes of Wrath have been targeted by book banners. In 2008, more than 500 titles were challenged.
Visit the Downtown Campus Library’s Banned Book Week exhibits to learn more about banned books. And read a banned book this week. For suggested titles, visit Challenged or Banned Classics.
To see where book censorship occurred in 2008, visit:
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Posted by Monte Maxwell.
September 10th, 2009
Two curators from the WVU Libraries’ West Virginia & Regional History Collection will travel to the Huntington Museum of Art on Sept. 20 to speak about art and rare books.
John Cuthbert, WVRHC Curator, and Harold M. Forbes, Rare Books Collection Curator, will speak as part of an exhibit titled “American Masterpieces from the Daywood Collection,” which focuses on the contributions of Arthur and Ruth Dayton.
“The Daytons were likely the most significant collectors of fine art and rare books in the history of our state. They were also generous philanthropists,” Cuthbert said. “Their legacy lives on in the collections of the WVU Libraries and the Huntington Museum of Art as well as in the Daywood Foundation, which Mrs. Dayton founded to provide support for higher education and other worthwhile endeavors.”
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Posted by Admin.
August 25th, 2009
Get a jump on the new semester. Free tutoring, offered by the WVU Academic Resource Centers, begins on August 25th. Tutors will be available in the Reference Department of the Downtown Campus Library from 7 pm until 11 pm each evening, Sunday through Thursday. The tutors can help students with chemistry, physics, biology, math, and statistics. Students should bring their ids, textbooks, and assignments to tutoring sessions.
Additional services for students are coming soon. The Library’s Term Paper Clinic will resume on September 21st. The WVU Writing Center will be joining the tutoring service later in the semester.
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