Ask A Librarian

Jerry West and Clair Bee, "MR. BASKETBALL"

Posted by Jane Metters LaBarbara.
June 20th, 2016

NBA Logo and Basketball

Blog post by Stewart Plein, Rare Book Librarian.

When it comes to sports, West Virginia has been home to many great athletes.  Certainly no other state can lay claim to not one but two of the greatest basketball figures of all time, and both of them have earned the title,  “Mr. Basketball.”  Jerry West and Clair Bee have both held that honor.  Read the rest of this entry »

Jerry West to visit WVU for West Virginia Day celebration; will dedicate his collection and hold book signing

Posted by Monte Maxwell.
June 17th, 2016


This year’s West Virginia Day celebration will include a homecoming for revered basketball legend, “Mr. Clutch” Jerry West, who will dedicate the Jerry West Collection to the West Virginia & Regional History Center, part of WVU Libraries, beginning at 9 a.m. Monday, June 20 in the Wise Library Atrium.

Members of the public are invited to attend the day’s events, in addition to West’s book signing the evening prior (June 19) at the WVU Visitors Center from 5 to 6 p.m.

In addition to the dedication, the celebration will include refreshments, a West Virginia Day forum and the opening of the Jerry West Exhibit, which will include an array of artifacts from Jerry’s personal collection, including his NBA championship ring, trophies and uniforms. Special guests scheduled to attend the dedication include Willie Akers, President Gordon Gee, Dean of Libraries Jon Cawthorne, Senator Joe Manchin and Rod Thorn.

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Records of 18th Century Pioneer Discovered: Documents Tell Story of William Haymond

Posted by Jane Metters LaBarbara.
June 13th, 2016

Blog post by Michael Ridderbusch, Associate Curator, WVRHC.


Records were recently discovered at the West Virginia and Regional History Center that document one of the prominent pioneers of western Virginia in the 18th century, William Haymond (1740-1821).  Since the threads of so many significant historical events pass through the episodes of his life, his story merits attention.
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Library exhibits explore life in Appalachia

Posted by Monte Maxwell.
June 6th, 2016

The creators of two exhibits on display at West Virginia University’s Downtown Campus Library want their works to open up conversations about life in Appalachia.

Looking at Appalachia, the latest exhibit in the West Virginia University Libraries’ Art in the Libraries series, is a juried collection of images by amateur and professional photographers that chronicles life in the 13-state region more than 50 years after President Lyndon Johnson’s War on Poverty. The pictures line the wall on the Library’s first floor.

“The greatest effect photographs can have is to encourage conversation,” said Roger May, director of the Looking at Appalachia project. “We see thousands and thousands of images a day. Many of those pictures may cause a brief emotional response, but how many of those pictures actually call us to action?”

Looking at Appalachia provides a glimpse into the 13-state region, photo by Alyssa Wright

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Ralph John World War II Letters

Posted by Jane Metters LaBarbara.
June 6th, 2016

Blog post by Lori Hostuttler, Assistant Director & Digital Projects and Outreach Archivist, WVRHC.

One week ago, on Memorial Day, we honored those who died in service to our country and today, June 6, we mark the 72nd anniversary of the invasion of Normandy, D-Day, the turning point for the Allies in World War II.  The Ralph John World War II Letters (A&M 3600) held by the West Virginia & Regional History Center provide insight into the military life of a soldier who made the ultimate sacrifice to secure our peace and freedom.

Portrait of Ralph John

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Camouflage: Concealing Coloration in the Animal Kingdom, by Abbot Handerson Thayer

Posted by Jane Metters LaBarbara.
May 23rd, 2016

Blog post by Stewart Plein, Rare Book Librarian.


Can you find the peacock?


Peacock camouflaged among green leaves in a forest


We might think that camouflage has been around forever.  The ubiquitous mottling of colors, usually in shades of greens, browns, blacks and yellows, was designed to mimic elements of the natural world, such as sunlight and shadow on leaves, whether on the tree or the forest floor.  So in some ways, camouflaging coloration has always been around.  But the promotion of concealing coloration or camouflage as a tool for human use was proposed much more recently.   Read the rest of this entry »

Finding Money in the Archives

Posted by Jane Metters LaBarbara.
May 16th, 2016

Blog post by Jane Metters LaBarbara, Assistant Curator, WVRHC.

It’s no secret that archivists love to find stashes of great things, the hidden and often unexpected gems of a collection, like a letter from a famous person mixed in with other correspondence, a broadside advertising a concert by a musician who was famous 100 years ago, an account of a famous battle written into a soldier’s journal, or hair from the tail of T.J. “Stonewall” Jackson’s horse (yes, we actually have that).  You can imagine my excitement when I opened a wooden lap desk to find a trove of letters, report cards, and money.  As I gently separated the colorful paper currency, you can imagine my disappointment when I saw the paper currency marked 25 cents and thought that the money I found was fake.   Read the rest of this entry »

"Rubber Neck Suffragettes," Women’s Suffrage, and Controversy at West Virginia’s 1913 Golden Jubilee

Posted by Jane Metters LaBarbara.
May 11th, 2016

Blog post by Lori Hostuttler, Assistant Director & Digital Projects and Outreach Archivist, WVRHC.

Recently I was looking at the West Virginia & Regional History Center’s Printed Ephemera collection when I came across a leaflet for West Virginia’s Golden Jubilee Celebration in Wheeling in 1913.  That year West Virginians were commemorating 50 years of being a state – not unlike the sesquicentennial activities that marked our 150th birthday three years ago.


First page of leaflet advertising the WV Semi-Centennial Celebration

The front cover of the advertising leaflet.


In 1913, festivities were planned in cities across the state to mark the grand occasion. The two-page Wheeling advertisement caught my eye because of the imagery and especially the slogan, “Roll Around a Week in a Square Town.”  It boasts that the Golden Jubilee in Wheeling will be the “Greatest Celebration Ever Held in the Ohio Valley.”  As I looked it over, I noticed that the last item in the schedule of events on the second page advertised “Burlesque and Fantastic Parades” and in all caps, “DON’T MISS THE RUBBER NECK SUFFRAGETTES.”


Second page of leaflet advertising the schedule of events of the WV Semi-Centennial Celebration

The reverse side which includes the schedule of events.


I was intrigued.  What was a “rubber neck suffragette?”  I thought maybe it was a musical group or some kind of slang term that I had not heard of before.  I did a quick Google search.  The top result linked to a news item.


News article about WV suffragettes planning to boycot the WV Semi-Centennial Celebration due to rubber-neck suffragettes parade

Article in the Boston Evening Transcript, May 21, 1913


I had stumbled upon a controversy.  Suffragists were outraged about a proposed burlesque “rubber neck suffragette” parade and threatened a boycott of the Semi-Centennial festivities.  A news service had picked up the report and it made it into a Boston paper.  To find out more about the story, I went to the local Wheeling newspapers on microfilm at the Center.  I found one article that directly addressed the situation.


News article with headline "'Rubberneck Parade' Bitterly Denounced"

Wheeling Daily News May 19, 1913


Noted West Virginia suffragette Dr. Harriet B. Jones declared the parade “an insult to every woman in the state.”  A large women’s suffrage parade had taken place in Washington, D.C. only a month before.  This event appeared to lampoon it. Women’s rights advocates in Wheeling were angry about the reflection of their “cause and their sex.”  Suffragists demanded that the parade be immediately removed from the program.


Portrait of Dr. Harriet B. Jones

Dr. Harriet B. Jones, first woman licensed to practice medicine in West Virginia in 1885 and the first woman to be elected to the House of Delegates in 1924.  Jones was a noted leader of the women’s rights movement, serving as an officer in the West Virginia Equal Suffrage Association.


The unknown author of the Daily News article doubted the intention of the parade was to demean womankind and stated that the “native chivalry of true West Virginians is too deep-rooted to permit of such a travesty on the fair sex and I am sure that it will not permit such a parade to be allowed to take place.”  A working girls parade would take place instead.


And thus, it appears that the “rubber neck” parade was scrapped. No further mentions were found in Wheeling newspapers.  The WVRHC holds the official program of the Semi-Centennial as well as other souvenir books from the celebration, but none lists such an activity.  Perhaps this was a small victory for West Virginia suffragists, but they still faced judgement in the local newspapers.


A cartoon on the front page of the Wheeling Sunday Register, May 25, 1913 shows a “sweet girl graduate” being pulled by a suffragette away from love, marriage, and happiness towards a career and the unknown.

A cartoon on the front page of the Wheeling Sunday Register, May 25, 1913 shows a “sweet girl graduate” being pulled by a suffragette away from love, marriage, and happiness towards a career and the unknown.


The day following the publication of “The Ways to Go” cartoon, the Wheeling Register printed a letter to the editor from “A Suffragist Tho’ Married” who objected to the cartoon saying it was “direct slap at all suffragists and decidedly in error.” She asks “are all married women happy?” and “do all you men insist that marriage and suffrage cannot walk hand in hand?”  The letter write also notes that the Register had been progressive, but not on this issue.  She implores them to change.


Cartoon in which a suffragette embraces Cupid, and a letter to the editor in the Wheeling Register

In the cartoon accompanying the letter to the editor in the Wheeling Register, May 26, 1913, the suffragette embraces Cupid.


Changing the anti-suffrage mentality was a state and nationwide challenge. 1913 had begun as an encouraging year for West Virginia suffragists when the House of Delegates passed a state women’s suffrage amendment.  Unfortunately, the amendment did not have the support in the State Senate and so it went no further. The same amendment returned and passed both houses in 1915 but failed as a statewide constitutional referendum with two-thirds of the fifty-five counties rejecting the amendment.  Finally, in 1920 the West Virginia legislature ratified the national constitutional amendment granting women the right to vote.  The “Rubber Neck Suffragettes” controversy turned out to be only a small battle in the long and hard fought crusade for women’s suffrage.


Please note the WVRHC Printed Ephemera collection includes pamphlets, brochures, isolated periodical issues, news clippings, event announcements and programs, and advertisements.  The materials were primarily published from the late 19th century to the present.  The Center is selectively digitizing items from the collection and building an online index.


The Center also has an extensive collection of West Virginia Newspapers. Much is available on microfilm at the Center, but portions of the collection have been digitized and made available through the Library of Congress’ Chronicling America project.

Materials from Rockefeller Papers Now Open for Research

Posted by Jane Metters LaBarbara.
May 5th, 2016

By Danielle Emerling, Assistant Curator

Thousands of archival records from the Senator John D. (Jay) Rockefeller IV papers are now open for research at the West Virginia & Regional History Center. Materials can be accessed in the Center’s reading room on the 6th floor of the WVU Downtown Campus Library.   Read the rest of this entry »

Two students win tablets

Posted by Monte Maxwell.
May 2nd, 2016

Sharing their thoughts paid off for West Virginia University students Allison Evans and Cody Morales who each won a Microsoft Surface 3 tablet for participating in a survey for the WVU Libraries.

The questions focused on what activities and needs most often bring users to the Libraries’ website, as well as how the Libraries can make the search box on its homepage easier to use. The Libraries’ web team will use the feedback to make changes to the website over summer break. Libraries staff randomly selected Evans and Morales from a pool of participants.

The survey was open to all WVU students, staff, and faculty and was promoted on the Libraries’ website, Facebook, Twitter and MIX.





Libraries now offering eBooks and audiobooks

Posted by Monte Maxwell.
April 28th, 2016


Traveling for the summer? Need a beach read or audiobook? WVU Libraries have expanded services with eBooks and digital audiobooks available to enjoy from the Libraries’ website. Students, faculty and staff can borrow popular digital media anytime, anywhere by visiting

Users can browse the Libraries’ website, borrow titles with a valid WVU login and start reading or listening on a computer and mobile device. Many titles can be enjoyed immediately on any device with an internet browser or download materials with the free OverDrive app. All titles will automatically expire at the end of the lending period so there are no late fees.

“We are excited to expand our leisure reading collections with the addition of eBooks and audiobooks. And summer seems a particularly good time to spend a lazy afternoon listening to the latest audiobook or reading a new novel on your mobile device,” said Penny Pugh, head of Research Services for the WVU Libraries.

This new service, powered by OverDrive, is free for all students, faculty and staff. To get started, visit


New website promotes life and works of Pearl S. Buck

Posted by Monte Maxwell.
April 26th, 2016

Pearl S. Buck

Chronicling the life and works of Pearl S. Buck, a new website launched by the West Virginia and Regional History Center enables online visitors to explore the Nobel Prize winner’s archives now preserved at West Virginia University Libraries.

“Our website will bring this important collection of original manuscripts by one of the world’s greatest writers to the attention of scholars, teachers and students for the first time,” WVRHC Curator John Cuthbert said. “The Pearl S. Buck Collection is open to anyone who is interested in Pearl Buck and her work.”

The website,, includes a guide that details the contents of the extensive collection (nearly 80 archival boxes), which includes manuscripts of Buck’s novels, non-fiction, children’s books and short stories, as well as articles, speeches and other materials.

“While much of her writing may be found in published form, our collection contains the vast majority of her original manuscripts, not only in their final form but in various versions that reveal her creative process and the changes she made as her thoughts evolved when writing,” Cuthbert said.

WVU became caretaker of Buck’s archives in October 2014 after beginning a partnership with West Virginia Wesleyan College and the Pearl S. Buck Birthplace Foundation to protect and promote Buck’s legacy. Under the agreement, the WVRHC assumed the responsibility of providing physical care for and access to the Buck Collection. Previously, West Virginia Wesleyan housed the collection. Read the rest of this entry »

Celebrate Preservation Week 2016, Save Your Stuff and Pass it On

Posted by Jane Metters LaBarbara.
April 26th, 2016

Blog post by Lori Hostuttler, Digital Projects and Outreach Archivist, WVRHC.

Banner for Preservation Week, April 24-30, 2016,

A key part of the mission of the West Virginia & Regional History Center is preservation of the papers, photos, maps, artifacts and other materials that tell the rich story of our state and its people.  Each year we celebrate Preservation Week to promote awareness of the importance of preservation and to provide information on preservation tips and techniques.  Read the rest of this entry »

Celebrating Shakespeare: The 400th Anniversary of the Death of Shakespeare, April 23, 1616 to 2016

Posted by Jane Metters LaBarbara.
April 20th, 2016

Portion of book page, reads "Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies."

Blog post by Stewart Plein, Rare Book Librarian.

Four hundred years ago, on April 23, 1616, or thereabouts, Shakespeare died at the young age of 52.  You see, there’s a bit of a mystery surrounding Shakespeare’s birth and death, though both occasions are believed to be on the same day. While the actual date of his death escaped documentation, it is believed he died on April 23, but there again, no one is quite sure.  What we do know is that he was buried on April 25, 1616, and like today, it would have been customary for a couple of days to pass after the death to make arrangements for the funeral services.  So, give or take a few days, we’ve settled on the 23rd Read the rest of this entry »

Check out Worldcat

Posted by Monte Maxwell.
April 18th, 2016

The Books/Media tab on the WVU Libraries’ website search box is now searching a new system called Worldcat. This is the only place to find up-to-date availability for the Libraries’ print materials.

This is the first step toward a full rollout of Worldcat for finding books, articles, videos, journals, and more, which will take place after finals have ended. Worldcat will enable you to quickly search 1.9 billion items including electronic resources and print materials from a single search box. You will also be able to quickly determine what WVU Libraries own and seamlessly request materials through Interlibrary Loan for items we do not.

Mountainlynx and Summon no longer has up-to-date availability for print collections, and Mountainlynx will no longer be available beginning May 31.

For more information about these changes, please visit the Libraries website. If you have questions, please contact Jessica Tapia at

Flax Breaks, Hackles, and Stilliards: The Early 19th Century American Homestead, Part 2

Posted by Jane Metters LaBarbara.
April 11th, 2016

Blog post by Michael Ridderbusch, Associate Curator, WVRHC.


Two centuries ago in western Virginia, if you were a settler, your way of life would be very different when compared to the standards of today.  That is definitely the impression one receives when browsing lists of personal property in the Harrison County Court records, as we have recently in the course of our work at the History Center.  Such an impression is, of course, not unexpected for an encounter with records two hundred years old.  Read the rest of this entry »

Looking for a fun online summer course?

Posted by Monte Maxwell.
April 11th, 2016

Enroll in ULIB300: Film and Media Literacy to earn three credits and fulfill GEC requirements 5: Artistic Expression and 7: American Culture. ULIB300 has a service designation as civic engagement for work students do while editing Wikipedia articles on course related topics. The CRN is 51012.

Become a savvy media consumer while studying film vocabulary, criticism, and movie databases. In the context of Quentin Tarantino films, students study gangster films, dark comedy, Blaxploitation, slasher films, westerns, themes of revenge and historical revision. Media and information literacy concepts are practiced in media object analysis and experienced in immersion as Wikipedia editors.

For more information, visit the Libraries’ website. Questions? Contact the instructor: or 304-293-0336.

Beth Royall named WVU Outstanding Librarian for 2016

Posted by Monte Maxwell.
April 8th, 2016
Beth Royall

Beth Royall

The Awards Committee of the West Virginia University Library Faculty Assembly has selected Beth Royall, creative arts librarian, as the Outstanding Librarian for 2016.

The award, presented triennially, recognizes a faculty librarian who has made exceptional contributions toward the delivery, development or expansion of library services or special programs for the constituencies of WVU.

“Beth has a long-standing reputation among her colleagues as a librarian who works hard and is excellent at every task she takes on. She provides excellent service to not just the faculty but to every student she encounters,” said Linda Blake, chair of the Library Faculty Assembly Awards Committee. “It is our great honor to recognize Beth for her talent, creativity and diligence as the creative arts librarian and her wider contribution to the WVU Libraries.”

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Exhibition Highlights Service of Senator John D. Rockefeller IV

Posted by Jessica McMillen.
April 6th, 2016

“A Legacy of Leadership” Exhibition Highlights Service of Senator John D. (Jay) Rockefeller IV

By Danielle Emerling, Assistant Curator

Left: Senator Rockefeller speaking at the Pepper Commission press event, 1990; Center: Rockefeller being sworn into the Senate by Vice President George H.W. Bush, 1985; Right: Rockefeller speaking at the Democratic National Convention, 2008.

The West Virginia & Regional History Center announces the opening of the exhibition, “Jay Rockefeller: A Legacy of Leadership,” in the Rockefeller Gallery located in the Downtown Campus Library.

Jay Rockefeller arrived in West Virginia in 1964 as a young VISTA volunteer in the small mining community of Emmons. With the people of Emmons, Rockefeller worked to affect change, from lobbying the school board for a bus stop to building a community center.

The experience was transformative. The young man from one of the wealthiest families in the country found an unlikely home in the hills and hollows of the state and a purpose that drove his fifty-year career in public service.

Characterized as compassionate, conscientious, and tenacious in pursuit of making a difference on issues he cared most about, he spent 30 years in the United States Senate working on some of the most challenging matters of the day.

The exhibition, “A Legacy of Leadership” documents Senator Rockefeller’s early years in West Virginia, his election to the United States Senate, and some of his many accomplishments during his long and distinguished career as a U.S. senator. It draws on staff Legacy Memos, written for Senator Rockefeller’s retirement, to highlight his work in the areas of health care reform; West Virginia’s jobs, economy, and industry; children, families, and education; and veterans’ affairs.

Items on display come from the Senator John D. (Jay) Rockefeller IV papers, a treasure among the congressional collections held by the West Virginia & Regional History Center. To learn more about Senator Rockefeller, the archival collection, and the Legacy Memos, please visit

The exhibit was curated by Danielle Emerling, Assistant Curator, Congressional and Political Papers Archivist. Installation support was provided by Francisco Tovar, Laura Bell, and Casey DeHaven.

Rockefeller Legacy Memos Now Available Online

Posted by Jane Metters LaBarbara.
April 4th, 2016

By Danielle Emerling, Assistant Curator


The West Virginia & Regional History Center is pleased to announce the opening of the Rockefeller Legacy Memos, part of the Senator John D. (Jay) Rockefeller IV congressional collection.


The Legacy Memos provide a comprehensive overview of Senator Jay Rockefeller’s service and accomplishments in several important issue areas in which he worked during his 30-year career in the U.S. Senate, 1985-2015, as well as during his time as Governor of West Virginia, 1977-1985. They highlight major initiatives and legislation, such as the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP); treatment of service related illnesses, such as Gulf War Illness; the Coal Act of 1992; the Public Safety Spectrum Act; and many others.  Read the rest of this entry »